It was only a week ago that we were all heading off from another fantastic Yamaha NZ Festival of Freeride event. And things certainly escalated quickly with the government putting the Auckland region into lockdown the night after the event. The realisation that it all could have been very different if those covid cases were picked up a day or two earlier. #bulletdodged
Once again the support and commitment to the event as once again outstanding. 60 riders from around NZ all there to stunt – we sent it at the 9th annual Yamaha NZ Festival of Freeride.The success of the event is always a direct result of the commitment our fantastic sponsors make. To Yamaha Marine New Zealand for once again stepping up as title sponsors of the FOF – always a pleasure to have your unwavering support. Couldn’t do it without out you.
Our associate sponsors, as always, gave considerable support to the event. Otago Personal Watercraft, Colliers International – South Island Commercial, Gull New Zealand, Rynex Roofing, and Blue Loos – outstanding!! Thank you all.
I write this every year as there is no other way to put it – A key ingredient to the event is the support of the team at Rogers Boatshop. Once again they delivered and made it all very special with their delicious spread to keep everyone going at the event. Cheers RBS!!
The amazingly generous support from our sponsors with prizes, merchandise, and key components for the event was awesome. KP Parts, CRC Industries NZ, ilabb, JetManiac, Jetpilot NZ, Tayne Lemon Racing, Pro Rider Watercraft Magazine, and Glenbrook Performance – Thank you so very much. A massive thank also goes out to Red Bull for their support and ensuring everyone had the energy to go big.
A huge thank you to Leif and the team from Marine Safety Services for providing our marshalling services all weekend long. They’re simply the best on the water and an absolute pleasure to have involved with the event. Thanks also to the team at EMT for being there as well.
“Support those that support the sport!!!”. There are so many events on these days and for the these sponsors to choose to support us is very humbling.To everyone that participated in the 2021 Yamaha NZ Festival of Freeride – thank you so very much for committing, attending and supporting the only free ride event in New Zealand. Especially given this pandemic ridden world we live in currently. It’s a special atmosphere we have at the event, like no other, and you’re all a key ingredient to this.
To all the others that have contributed to the event this year thank you so much. From those that helped out with the lead up, sponsor liaison, collection and supply gear, with timing and monitoring to ensuring things kept running smoothly – you know who you are.
A very special thanks to Ryan Bailey #themidget for his assistance throughout the weekend – love your work. Thank you to everyone that chipped in with setting up, running, and packing down the event. Awesome effort and was it always is very much appreciated.
Soon we will release the epic highlights reel of this years Yamaha NZ Festival of Freeride. So look out!!. In the mean time check out the Class of 2021!!